Our blog is located at Columbiareadsnewyork.blogspot.com
You need to log in at Blogger.com to post. If you have difficulty, try a different browser.
Blog Posting 1: E. B. White's New York
Due at least 30 minutes before class on Monday, July 25.
In your first blog posting, you will assert an argument analyzing the way that E. B. White depicts the idea of humanity amidst the machinery of New York City in Here is New York. Your essay will be at least 250 words and analyze at least two quotations from the text to prove your thesis. You will need to select a narrow focus that you can analyze in depth. Tracing the use of a word or phrase in the text can help to focus your analysis.
You must also analyze at least one historical or contemporary photograph of a site to which White refers. Your interpretation of this image should support your thesis. You can include a screenshot of a street view or location on Google Maps and what the view or map allows you to see about what White describes. You can capture a screenshot using Jing. Your post will include both an image and a link to it.
Topics you might address include: social life, technology, change, the past, family, the body, and art.
Remember, you do not need to summarize the text. Assume your readers have read White's essay and only tell them what they need to know to understand your points.
Your posting must demonstrate correct use of MLA style and a correctly formatted list of works cited, including the course text you are addressing. While you are not required to consult additional sources, you must cite all sources that you consult, including webpages. Use parenthetical citations to acknowledge when you are quoting or citing others’ ideas. It is plagiarism to use others’ words or ideas without citing them.
Blog Posting 2: Sylvia Plath's New York
Due at least 30 minutes before class on Friday, July 29.
In your second blog posting, you will assert an argument addressing the role of New York in Sylvia Plath's novel The Bell Jar. You will analyze at least two quotations from the novel and are welcome to refer to other texts we have read. You must also analyze at least one image of a New York location in the novel. Investigate the significance of this site and include a past or present image. You might capture a screenshot using Google Satellite View. Your posting should analyze a quotation from the novel in light of your findings about the location you have selected. Include a link to cite your image.
Some topics you might consider include tone, word choice, gender, the workplace, social life, street scenes, fashion, and college.
Your posting will be at least 250 words and must demonstrate correct use of MLA style and a correctly formatted list of works cited, including the course text you are addressing. While you are not required to consult additional sources, you must cite all sources that you consult, including webpages. Use parenthetical citations to acknowledge when you are quoting or citing others’ ideas. It is plagiarism to use others’ words or ideas without citing them.
Blog Posting Instructions
Throughout the term you will post blog entries on the dates indicated on the syllabus. You must also comment on at least one of your peers’ blog postings within two days of the dates that they are due. Blog postings are due at least 30 minutes before class. You can post additional comments at any time. Our blog will be limited to members of our class and not available to the public. The instructor will provide an assignment for the postings indicated on the syllabus, but you are also welcome to post and comment whenever you feel inspired to do so.
Your blog entries must be at least 250 words and analyze quotations from the text as well as an image, sound, or video clip that you will include or indicate with a link.
Blog postings provide an opportunity to shed light on the contexts that inform the texts we will read. You should build from the topics we have addressed in class and in our projects, taking the readings a step further and posing questions for your classmates to consider. The blog is also a place where you can receive feedback as you develop your projects.
You must use MLA citation format to acknowledge the sources to which you refer or the images or media you incorporate in your posting.
Blog postings and comments count as part of your participation grade for the course.
For MLA style see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
For quoting practices see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/563/01/
and https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/03/
For avoiding plagiarism see:b https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/930/10/
You need to log in at Blogger.com to post. If you have difficulty, try a different browser.
Blog Posting 1: E. B. White's New York
Due at least 30 minutes before class on Monday, July 25.
In your first blog posting, you will assert an argument analyzing the way that E. B. White depicts the idea of humanity amidst the machinery of New York City in Here is New York. Your essay will be at least 250 words and analyze at least two quotations from the text to prove your thesis. You will need to select a narrow focus that you can analyze in depth. Tracing the use of a word or phrase in the text can help to focus your analysis.
You must also analyze at least one historical or contemporary photograph of a site to which White refers. Your interpretation of this image should support your thesis. You can include a screenshot of a street view or location on Google Maps and what the view or map allows you to see about what White describes. You can capture a screenshot using Jing. Your post will include both an image and a link to it.
Topics you might address include: social life, technology, change, the past, family, the body, and art.
Remember, you do not need to summarize the text. Assume your readers have read White's essay and only tell them what they need to know to understand your points.
Your posting must demonstrate correct use of MLA style and a correctly formatted list of works cited, including the course text you are addressing. While you are not required to consult additional sources, you must cite all sources that you consult, including webpages. Use parenthetical citations to acknowledge when you are quoting or citing others’ ideas. It is plagiarism to use others’ words or ideas without citing them.
Blog Posting 2: Sylvia Plath's New York
Due at least 30 minutes before class on Friday, July 29.
In your second blog posting, you will assert an argument addressing the role of New York in Sylvia Plath's novel The Bell Jar. You will analyze at least two quotations from the novel and are welcome to refer to other texts we have read. You must also analyze at least one image of a New York location in the novel. Investigate the significance of this site and include a past or present image. You might capture a screenshot using Google Satellite View. Your posting should analyze a quotation from the novel in light of your findings about the location you have selected. Include a link to cite your image.
Some topics you might consider include tone, word choice, gender, the workplace, social life, street scenes, fashion, and college.
Your posting will be at least 250 words and must demonstrate correct use of MLA style and a correctly formatted list of works cited, including the course text you are addressing. While you are not required to consult additional sources, you must cite all sources that you consult, including webpages. Use parenthetical citations to acknowledge when you are quoting or citing others’ ideas. It is plagiarism to use others’ words or ideas without citing them.
Blog Posting Instructions
Throughout the term you will post blog entries on the dates indicated on the syllabus. You must also comment on at least one of your peers’ blog postings within two days of the dates that they are due. Blog postings are due at least 30 minutes before class. You can post additional comments at any time. Our blog will be limited to members of our class and not available to the public. The instructor will provide an assignment for the postings indicated on the syllabus, but you are also welcome to post and comment whenever you feel inspired to do so.
Your blog entries must be at least 250 words and analyze quotations from the text as well as an image, sound, or video clip that you will include or indicate with a link.
Blog postings provide an opportunity to shed light on the contexts that inform the texts we will read. You should build from the topics we have addressed in class and in our projects, taking the readings a step further and posing questions for your classmates to consider. The blog is also a place where you can receive feedback as you develop your projects.
You must use MLA citation format to acknowledge the sources to which you refer or the images or media you incorporate in your posting.
Blog postings and comments count as part of your participation grade for the course.
For MLA style see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
For quoting practices see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/563/01/
and https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/03/
For avoiding plagiarism see:b https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/930/10/
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